I’m not half of half arabic

The last way I found to escape having to find a job and be adult is flying to the U.S. to finish my master. I should be enthusiastic, happy, crazy waiting for it. But not Today. No, NOT TODAY!

Today is November 28th, so it’s already been a while since Trump’s election has been announced, and I got over it because the guy who had such a big dick seem to suddenly pussy out.  No today was a normal Monday with his bunch of hard realizations. School, waking up, wearing a bra and so on. But something bigger was brought to my attention.

See, I was born from a french mommy and a Moroccan daddy. Therefore I’m arabic !

Basically, if you’re from those who believe my race is unpure, a bunch of terrorist .. You can fuck off my blog. Best regards.

It has never been something I’ve been ashamed of, I have one regret in life, not to speak arabic, that’s all. I know I’m in the best position (from my really objective point of view of course) to judge the world’s condition about the terrorism issues… I’m rich of 2 cultures ! I have 2 ways to eat, 2 ways to talk (even speaking french in Morroco, I speak some kind of arabic), 2 countries to cherish. You never understand how exceptional this is before you just look at the cumin pot in the kitchen the way you would look at you at a baguette.

I would lie saying that I’ve never been treated differently because of this, or heard things someone half anythingelsebutfromafrica wouldn’t hear. I can tell you one thing, we arabs may know how you European live, but the contrary is faaaaar from true. It’s going worse and worse… It’s now ok to talk about arabic people being redneck, ignorant, and potentially criminals. It is.

Arabic people are a people, not a social dysfunction. It’s also not ok to target women with veils, on the beach, on the street or anywhere.Those women chose (yes I said it ! fear me bitch!) their faith over clothes. Is one of you able of this ? No ? But that’s not the point.

Of course I’m really into changing things, I wanna see that change, I wanna believe that the world I live in is not only obscurantism and hate. But am I even close to right ?

So today is a sad day. It is because my mom called me to tell me she was scared about me going in the US. She had spoken with my godmother who works with people form the Ministry o Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, those who are in charge of saying where it is and is not safe to travel, and apparently arabic student in the states is not the best position ever.

My mom told me that she wasn’t saying I shouldn’t go just that I should think about it and document myself. I love that she let’s me the choice (because we all know I can’t afford that on my own), but just wants me to be informed … Also, what is worse for me, she told me that, I shouldn’t hide that I am arabic, but maybe that wasn’t the first thing to say introducing myself…

Of course I’ll do it and I hope I won’t find anything too bad, but how sad tho… That is the first time I ever had to wonder if I could or not do something because I’m arabic. And are other students from my class gonna research that too or wonder how they should or shouldn’t act ? No. Todays is the day I had to worry because the people that gave me birth wasn’t born in Europe.

I don’t know about America being great again, but after the angry run I just had America may make (look) great again!

We are 2016 and still can’t find a way not to take a community for target to raise above the world.


Today is a sad day.

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